Nurturing Potential, Achieving Excellence

Emerging Talent

Tackle tech talent shortages head-on with our specialised approach to talent sourcing, placement and training solutions.

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Your Pathway to accessing a pool of Talented Candidates

Our Emerging Talent service is dedicated to assisting clients in finding the best candidates. Our candidates represent strong, diverse, and high-potential talent. They are poised to make an immediate impact in their roles and primed to develop into your future senior talent through coaching and mentoring, unlocking their and your business's full potential. Therefore, any growing business must establish a well-defined strategy for emerging talent.

Our specialised service is designed to provide just that. It is specifically designed for graduate and emerging talent in technology and marketing. We aim to fill technical job openings quickly in a market with a tech talent shortage. We assist candidates and clients in finding the perfect job match. We guide them through the job market using a consultative approach. Our goal is to ensure a good fit between talent and role.

business discussion training

We Hear Your Emerging Talent Challenges

  • "We're struggling to attract suitable candidates for our digital and IT roles, especially those with STEM backgrounds."

  • "Finding talent for technical roles is proving difficult, and we need alternative pathways for candidates who don't fit traditional educational routes."

  • "Recruiting experienced tech talent is costly and time-consuming. We need a more budget-friendly hiring strategy.”

  • "Navigating the complexities of the job market to find the right talent for our roles is proving to be a challenge."
making notes in a collaboration

Emerging Talent - Service Overview

Discover how our Emerging Talent service structure can help you tap into a pool of high-potential emerging talent in the market to support your recruitment needs and generate future superstars.

Discover our renowned 'assess, place, and train' approach, now extended to our comprehensive range of apprenticeships. From information communication technician to software developer to analyst apprenticeships, our programmes are designed to align with the same proven methodology that has made us a leader in assessment, placement, and training services.

Once a candidate comes on board, they undergo various training routes. These include apprenticeship programmes covering sales, tech, digital, and IT and customisable modular training routes. We will collaborate with our clients to recommend the most suitable approach based on the role, desired outcomes, and the required timeframes.

Our service offers essential soft skills training modules covering commercial engagement, stakeholder management, presenting solutions, and problem-solving. These modules, set apart from the practical training provided in apprenticeships such as network engineering and development, ensure a well-rounded skill set for success in the professional world.

Commercial Engagement - The course prioritises effective communication skills across diverse groups and understanding how the commercial environment influences organisations.

Stakeholder Management - We aim to enable participants to identify key stakeholders, understand their roles, and build an effective network plan of action.

Presenting your Solution - The course encompasses delivering important messages through diverse approaches and leading group sessions involving various stakeholders. 

Problem-solving - We emphasise understanding and resolving issues in a commercial environment, equipping individuals with practical tools for analysis and problem-solving and preparing them to handle similar challenges in the future.

Tech Candidates - Tech candidates will participate in an assessment day tailored to technical roles. The assessment day would entail:

  • A Technical Presentation 

  • Project and Technical Based Group Task

  • Codility, Excel, Analytical, and Numerical Tests 

  • Psychometric Profiling  

These assessments aim to evaluate skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, logical reasoning, and presentation skills. 

Marketing Candidates - Marketing candidates will join our commercial assessment day. The assessment day would entail: 

  • Opportunity to showcase invaluable skills to potential employers

  • Assessments aimed at understanding candidates' potential contributions to organisations

  • Introduction to Pareto and fellow candidates

  • Participation in two group tasks and an informal interview

  • Three-minute presentation on suitability for Marketing and why Pareto should select the candidate

The rigorous assessment process allows us to identify the top talent within the market, those with a perfect combination of the right attitude, skill and ability to make an immediate impact for our clients. 

What our Emerging Talent Service Addresses

We're dedicated to grasping the unique challenges you encounter with emerging talent. With this understanding, we tailor our approach to suit your business and tackle the following crucial areas:

Addressing the Tech Talent Shortage

Addressing the Tech Talent Shortage

One of the key challenges we tackle is attracting candidates for digital and IT roles. With over 400,000 applicants annually, 28% of them have STEM backgrounds. There is a lot of untapped talent, especially from individuals who may not fit the typical salesperson stereotype.

Development of Soft Skills and Technical Training

Development of Soft Skills and Technical Training

Our approach doesn't stop at sourcing talent; we also prioritise soft skills development and offer apprenticeship programmes in digital and IT. This opens up new avenues for candidates facing barriers to entering these industries through educational routes.

Time-Saving for Clients

Time-Saving for Clients

Our service offers a crucial advantage: We save you time by carefully screening countless applications and presenting only the most suitable candidates. This efficient process streamlines recruitment and tackles a common headache for businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions


Once we've carefully chosen the top talent, we place them into various technical or marketing roles with our clients. Our commitment to your success doesn't end with the recruitment process. We provide ongoing soft skills training and development to every placed candidate, ensuring they have the tools and confidence to succeed within your company. 

This approach helps expedite the hiring process and improves the quality of hires, enabling them to make a meaningful impact quickly and in the future.

We invest significant time in our talent selection process. Each application undergoes a thorough assessment, including a screening call, a competency-based telephone interview, and a 6-hour assessment day to ensure suitability for the role based on key competencies. 

As a result of this rigorous process, we maintain a 3:1 interview-to-placement ratio, saving you time and resources in the hiring process.


Ready to attract tech talent and diversify your workforce?

Our Emerging Talent service offers a comprehensive solution tailored to your needs. From addressing the pressing demand for technical roles to providing essential soft skills training, our service streamlines the recruitment process, saving you valuable time. It ensures a seamless match between talent and role requirements. 

Contact the team today and discover how we can help you tap into a pool of diverse and qualified candidates for your recruitment needs.